Friday 28 November 2014

Task 1:
Listen to this link  and then fill in the blanks with the missing words as you listen to the audio.

Lon: What’s this? 

Abigail: It’s a memo(memorandum)……… about a ……safety inspectionscheduled for next week. 

Lon: A safety inspection? How are we ever going to pass a safety inspection? 

Abigail: What do you mean? This isn’t an ……unsafe……workplace. We’ve had a good record. None of our employees have had……on the job(at work, at the place where they are working)injuries this year and we’ve never had a fatality(death)……… I don’t understand why you’re so worried. 

Lon: From what I’ve heard, the inspectors don’t just look at injury rates. They look for the smallest hazard…… that may be remotely(a little bit,slightly or barely,nit very much nut just enough)…dangerous. If we get cited(to be told officially that you are doing something against the law,to be told that  you are breaking the rule which is called citation), we may be ……shut down(close)…... 

Abigail: ……With all do respect……, I don’t think that’s how it works. Yes, the inspector will look at our work environment and our .gear(equipment). and machinery to make sure there are no hazards or toxic(poison)... substances. 

Lon: That’s what I’m worried about. 

Abigail: But, if they find a violation(broken the rules and regulations)…., we’ll get a chance to fix the problem. They won’t shut us down without giving us a chance to comply(to comply with somthing means to obey the law or regulations)…… with their safety standards…... 

Lon: I sure hope you’re right. 

Abigail: Me, too. We’ll know after next week’s inspection. 

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Task 3:
Errors in Letter-writing Conventions
This letter has nine errors relating to proper business letter conventions. Underline the mistakes and correct them.

Mrs. Lucinda Minto, Manager
Bright Star Lighting Store
11 Glendale Ave.
Oshawa, ON L1H 8K9

MondaySeptember 12, 2009

Dear Lucinda; Ms.  Minto:
On August 25, 2009, I bought a floor lamp in your store on  August 25, 2009. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to use it because it did not work properly. Every time I switched it on, it switched off by itself after about 30 minutes. I took the lamp back to the storebut the salesgirl refused to give me my money back. I had a telephone conversation with you to talk about it and you confirmed that the policy of your store’s policy is to exchange faulty merchandise rather than refund the money. Unfortunately, the lamp that I want is no longer available at your store. Given these circumstances, I would like to request that you refund my money. I will appreciate your consideration.
I'm want to  looking forward hearing hear from you soon.
Cheers, Beast wishes!
Customer:  Marisa Romer

Task 4:
Answer the questions.
1. What is the purpose of the letter?
She want the store to refund her money
2. What is the problem?
The floor lamp didn't work properly.
3. What is the customer requesting?
She requests that the manager refunds her money.
4. Is it a reasonable request? Why?
Yes, because  that lamp didn't work and is not no longer available at that store. 

Grammar in Context: Prepositional Collocations
Task 1:
Complete the sentences below with the correct verb or adjective followed by an appropriate preposition (e.g., for, to, with, about).


1. I would like to absence at the meeting.
2. I am ..concerned about..the lack of supervision in the playground.
3. I am writing to ...complain about............the poor service I received at your store.
4. I am very ....sorry...about..... not being able to meet the deadline.
5. We would like to ..... the ABC Company’s open house on Saturday, June 16 at 1:00 p.m.
6. I am writing to the new budget proposal.
7. I would like to take this opportunity to ......for.....being a loyal customer over the years.
8. I am out about the training programs that you offer.
9. I am very ......upset......about.....the way I was treated by one of your admin staff.
10. I am writing to ....inquire about.... the position you have available.
11. I am interested in )...your advertisement in the Globe and Mail on June 3, 2009.
12. I would like to ......apply for.........the position of Sales Manager that was advertised in the Kingston Whig Standard on September 31, 2010.

Task 2:
Write six sentences of your own using prepositional collocations.

I  applied for the position of TDSB last year, and then, I got a call after 4 days, I  was informed to interview by the supervisor from TDSB. I felt excited and restless because of  that was my first formal interview in Canada as a new immigrant. I inquired some kind-hearted sisters in Jesus of our church how to prepare the proper interview. I really concerned about this experience. So, I carefully made more preparations for it. Thus, the interviewers were interested in my unique artistic teaching demo. After a period, I got a respond from supervisor , I has been a supply teacher in TDSB, and I began to be invites by the different principles of public schools due to the supervisor strongly recommended my active and artistic  teaching style to them. I really appreciated for these nice people around me to give me many opportunity.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Degrees of Formality

Degrees of Formality
Task 1:
Rewrite the sentences below, replacing the words in italics with their formal equivalents from the box. Make sure you use the correct form of the verb.

would like

1. I can promise assure you this will never happen again.
2. We will make sure ensure the computer is repaired by one of our technicians.
3. The book I bought purchased online was damaged.
4. I want would like you to give me my money back.
5. I hope you got received the package I sent last week.
6. He’s really mad angry about the service he received at our store.
7. The work will be finished completed by the end of the month.
8. The manager is worried is concerned that they won’t meet their deadline.
9. Please go over review the proposal and make any necessary changes.
10. She asked requested for the information a long time ago.

Task 2:
Read the sentences below and decide whether or not they use the degree of formality appropriate for the given situation. Revise the sentences if necessary.

1. a note to a co-worker: The meeting is at 10 sharp. please be on time.
2. a letter to a Member of Parliament: I really apperciate Thank you for your help in this matter.
3. an email message to a friend: I am looking forward to seeing you there :)
4. a note to a child’s teacher: I would greatly appreciate it if you could inform me when I could meet with you.
5. an email message to a superior: I would like to inform you I’ll let you know about the time of the meeting ASAP.
6. a manager to her subordinates: Thanks for your hard work, guys!
7. a letter accompanying your résumé: please Here is my résumé attached(enclosed).
8. a note to the office cleaner: I would appreciate it if you could kindly clean under my desk in a timely fashion.

Friday 21 November 2014

my most treasured possession

 Choose one of the topics below. Write either a descriptive or narrative paragraph. For the narrative paragraph, you can create a timeline and brainstorm events/steps you would like to include.

• Describe your most treasured possession
• Describe your favourite place
• Describe the best job you have ever had
• Narrate the events leading up your coming to Canada
• Describe the best day of your life
                                   my artistic world
Some people regard the jewelry as the most treasures possession, some people think that house is the most treasure; however, I think my most treasure possession is gifted with art skill from God if I can't say my daughter as my Precious treasure. 

First, I am not a lady being infatuated in material wealth, evenly I can't recognize famous brands of any commodities. Moreover, I am a person without the sense of direction due to I put more time into artistic creation at studio, so that I always lose my way when I go outside. In addition, I really can't be proficient at mathematics and other subjects related rational and logical aspects. However, God gave me a sensitive heart with abundant emotion, thusI have great ability to imagine any things around me.When I was little girl I could write a lot of poems with beautiful words and plentiful imagination. I was obsessed by paintings of art, I couldn't stop drawing day and night although it brought me about serious insomnia. I always immerse into all kinds of artistic imagination and creative impulse. Most people around me thought the processing of painting creation has consumed my too much time. Indeed, although I felt exhausted sometimes; Nevertheless, I really still enjoy my artistic world, it seems my only intense interest.
In short, the art is the most treasure for me that always touch my heart deeply in my whole life. 

God's hand----Using appropriate pronoun references to make the paragraph coherent.

Write one or two paragraphs about a person who has influenced your life. Use appropriate pronoun references to make the paragraph coherent.
                              God's hand
I really eager to explore a place to put my foot on my favorite teaching field in this country as a new immigrant. Therefore, I have been trying  my best to adapt and learn more and more everyday to prepare my own aim to continue my teaching career.

All in all, I definitely appreciate for God. When I taught in summer camp of a private school last year, one day in July, I walked on my home way from that private school, a strange neighbor with nice smiling  came to me and accosted, she asked me: "Are you a teacher? because I saw you taking more teaching materials? " I chatted with her just for a while. After then, I was still chasing into a mundane life almost never seen her till November. Someone knocked my home door in the depth of  night. I saw a woman with eagerly look when I opened the door, in particular I almost couldn't recognized her with pregnant belly. Moreover, the best amazing thing was happened! She gave me some forms for position of public school! and she said the internal recruitment will be urgently cut at 4:30 tomorrow. That was my dream thing to get a teacher position in School Board! God's grace hand was touching me at that moment!

Further, a series of amazing things still appeared  after I took those application forms and my first resume to School Board. I registered into TDSB after many times serious competitions against with a great number of candidates but my English was just level 3 at that time! Fortunately, God's hand has been continually exerting to me,I became a long term supply teacher after just several months.

From then on,I would like to get more progress in English, so I found a paradise--our special workplace English class of LINC school.I have studied in 3 LINC schools although the time was not long, yet this classs is really different from others. Hale, an adorable and knowledgeable lady, is an experienced teacher with a plentiful professional language capabilities. She put more energy to prepare a lots contents that access all aspects of Cinadian culture.I have been learning all kinds of practical language skills, and I have got a lot of useful information and effective skills related the culture of workplace in Canada. Those practical knowledge let me build up my self-confidence in Canadian workplace. I really appreciate for her efforts.I think there is no end to learning. Learning is like a sponge to absorb water, it will be heavier if it has been constantly absorbing. I want to enhance my English skills, in the meantime, I hope I can get more promotion in my teaching career. exactly as, Chinese idiom says:“Although the road ahead will be long and rugged,my climb will be steep, but I’m determined to explore it, and I will never terminate pursuit.

So far, I'm really glad to study in our class--a learning paradise, and I'd like to learn from this wonderful teacher Hala. So, the reason why I always prefer to call her “Teacher”than her real name, owing to this title is the most respected,beacuse the students in China can't directly call the teacher's name. Thanks to God arranges sorts of nice people on my side, Thanks to give me a new life in this new country.

In short, I'm willing to be a kind-hearted and hard studying person God wants, to feedback God's grace and people around me especially children I serve with all my heart. I willingly abide by God's grace hand in my rest of life.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Education and Schools’ system in my home country and in North Aamerica

         Looking up at the starlit sky

It's not strange for me to talk about this topic as a teacher alomst 19 years
First of all,I'd like to introduce the school educational system in China.
In China, children begin to go to school at the age of seven. It takes six years for them to finish elementary school. In this stage, they are taught basic knowledge in Chinese language(Mandarin) and science, english, mathematics, arts, P.E., music, which lays the foundation for their further education. The students frequently are asked for taking some examinations. The pressure of learning for students will be gradually revealed.

After elementary school, they go to junior middle school. It lasts for three years, during which the children learn all of all and chysics and chemistry. The Students compete in learning more and more intensely, the entire educational environment which schools and parents are excessive pursuit of scores.

When the junior middle school education comes to end, the students are screened by exams in two ways. those who expect to go to university or college may choose to enter high school and those who want to work attend professional secondary schools, The high school education takes 3 years and the professional secondary school takes 2 to 3 years. 

The high school graduates have to take all kinds of intensive competitive exams before they enter university or college. The education in university or college lasts 4 to 6 years for a bachelor degree after the students finished four year course and passed the defense of thier theses. The students have another two years of study and research work for master degree, and are given their degree after the defense of their theses related their professional major. 
Education is compulsory during elementary school to high school for nine years. Such is the education system in schools of China.

Therefore, I think most Chinese students are in the context of China under examination-oriented education, are also experiencing some positive or negative impact of this education system. I once said ,whether you admit, if you are Chinese, then your bones and blood will certainly be filled with strong traditional Chinese culture for thousands of years and the various effects of China's exam-oriented education, whether this influence is good or bad, positive or negative, at least, this effect is deeply carved in our bones, It is difficult to change in our life.

Indeed, EQ is more important than IQ. Under the influence of Chinese traditional  test mode, the appreciation of education and learning inspiration of Chinese students have long time been ignored, leading to overall quality of students towards poor.

With the majority of  students in Canada comparison, Chinese students skills, communication skills and teamwork relative lack of some, this is due to the different cultural background and education system caused. 

The students' ability and potential  have been greatly restricted under the exam-oriented education for a long time, they can't give the rein to their imagination and creation. The students have no idea how to study  independent and how to think independently, and others how to make most effectively communicate .The school's style of study is relatively impulsive, boring, students widespread rebellion.

Most teachers methods are aged, these are the lack of interaction and rapport style indoctrination communicable way between teachers and students, and the lack of practical operation and teamwork. As teaching knowledge of aging, especially compulsory education, teaching contents and form of the current politics and policy are separated lacking of thinking to guide and discuss how can they learn from innovative and comprehensive utilization.

Most teachers just have an only single professional  field of knowledge reserves obviously, they can't qualify with comprehensive skills and creative mind, rather than teachers will teach multiple contents not only single subject.  Single field knowledge directly limits the mastery of classroom teaching as well as interesting and interdisciplinary, and in this single field of teaching, its teachers the depth of research and teaching depth of knowledge is not very high, a direct result of difficult to improve the overall quality of students. The interest of teaching is very low. It is difficult to apply their knowledge among the various disciplines, and gradually formed a kind of vicious circle. So, This is the reason why I have been willing to put my all enthusiasm into my 19 years teaching career to explore intensively a unique teaching style with more artistic and innovative comprehensive teaching methods, I really eager to devote myself to study effective teaching ways to improve students' interest of learning, and to make my efforts in this obsessive teaching career.

By contrast, I have ever asked some students came from China about what feeling do they have after comparing,  Most students are used to a very noisy classroom in Canada. Compared with this,the atmosphere of Chinese school classroom is dull in some students opinion. Although  most students in North America are out of control, noisy, but they learned something creatively from school much more than in Chines schools .

Chinese students under examination-oriented education system have to recite all day and do more exercises every day. Their entire education pattern is  to remember everything and they try their best to appear them in the entrance examination of universities or colleges. This is understandable,because Chinese public school and university admissions totally focus on scores. And students who want to enter the top schools have to face the drastic competition .

In fact, Chinese students' homework with demandingis more than all North American students' . The situation in cities  is particularly more serious than the country's. The pressure on students is higher than most of  North America students exceeding imagination. My niece in China has to finish all kinds of  homeworks till 2:00am even later almost everyday although she just is 14 years old. thus,  she is always in sickly condition at such young age. 

Moreover, the students in North America concern about discussion thinking on the lessons and topics related society , but the homework of Chinese students looks like boring and overly constrained.

The teacher in Canada encourage the students try to increase extracurricular reading history or other books to broaden their outlook, but classes in China are aimed at students within the least possible time to instill as much knowledge as entirely to prepare for entrance exams. Lack of opportunities for students to discuss and digest what they have learned, and even fewer students participate in extracurricular political discussion. The students in Canada are seen as being an integral part of education policy-making and careful consideration, the Chinese high school students almost no experience for this aspect. China's school has many strengths, but they do not train politician philosopher.

To a foreigner's point of view China's education is probably the most fair enough. "Their whole education is something to remember everything possible to appear in the exam." This is a Chinese American students in chinese educational sentence summary. We can see the text on the screen. For North America students, the Chinese education is old-fashioned, empty, meticulous, just to prepare for the exam and how to get more scores. Some students from China I  surveyed thought that China's classroom is always so boring, so they took the class as an example Well, really very few people raise their hands to speak. In contrast, the North America classroom, may not be disciplined at all, of course, there is no need discipline members of the bar. But the kind of activity that can not be reflected on the Chinese classroom. Even the open class, is also false to scary. Some teachers almost arranged in advance, the students merely reporting on performance only. Well, get on. Oriented education, in the end what kind of a system do?

In summaryHow effective this topic to explore, in a way, it is very necessary. but the education system is a very serious, very complex and difficult to explore the topic with consistency,  because under this topic, too many chinese students are so frustration and helplessness like my own niece, this is no longer a simple category system, and more of our lives have become a deep-rooted culture, culture is difficult to change. But today, Chinese education has been trying to reform and develop although it is still in a difficult stage that there are many problems and disadvantages. I recalled  the Prime Minister of China Wen Jiabao said such words," the Chinese national needs to have some people who often look up at the starry sky, they can think and struggle more for the country, for the future of our nation. " Due to Occupational habit, I attentioned that he also said that " If the education will not be universalized and improved, the state can not be strong."  I plan to say that education is still far away from perfect aim combining the most comprehensive and most scientific factors regardless in the eastern or western world. So we still have a long way to go although this path with full of difficulties and handicaps in human educationcal history. I expect that education can be greater achievements to let the children benefit from it through lifetimeI also wish the essence of human knowledge and wisdom can be passed down from generation to generation.

Although I'm just an ordinary educator, I can't make significant contribution to this whole world except children I love, but I would also like to sincerely appeal to that  "The education needs such as people who often look up at the starry sky." 
Looking up at the starlit sky, God has given us, not just bright eyes like twinkle stars , there is that persist in eternal fervent heart.

 Chinese calligraphy means:Looking up at the starlit sky  

looking up at the starlit sky
looking up at the starlit sky

Thursday 6 November 2014



Angela Yuan Mei
** Painswick Cres. (Victoria road & Huntingwood)
North York, ON. M2J 3M5
Tel:  647- ***-****

ObjectiveTeacher or Supply Teacher both on Art and Chinese Language courses

Skills              TDSB Registered Supplier Teacher
Ø  More than 19 years experience in Art and Chinese language teaching and tutoring including Oil & Chinese Painting, drawing, sketching, Color knowledge courses etc. Chinese language tutoring including oral speak & listening, writing, high level writing, Chinese calligraphy.
Ø  Able in teaching Art History, Literary, European Art history and modern Art.
Ø  Exploring intensively unique artistic and creative teaching methods combining Art and Chinese
Ø  Strong Chinese skill both in written and speaking. Computer skills with Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.

Working History
International Language Program Supply Teacher in R.Community Public School       TDSB of Ontario   07-08,11/2014                            ☆       Samuume  Arts Studio in Toronto, Ontario--Teaching Arts & Chinese courses      Present                                              
Children Depart. Of Markham Christian Community Church in Markham, Ontario--Teaching Art & Chinese     Present
Day Care Department of  Linc School of  WWCC,Toronto--Volunteer art teacher for kids         12/2013-02/2014
Clearview School of Arts & Culture in Toronto--Teaching Art & Chinese courses                  06-08/2013
Sunny Mandarin School in Markham, ON-----Teaching Arts & Chinese in Summer Camp              07-09/2013
Jiangsu Province Women/Children Culture Center in Nanjing, China                                                                            07/2009-11/2011
Teaching Arts & Chinese Language Courses, Supervisor of Teacher’s Group for Grade 1-8
  Arts Secondary School, Nanjing, China                                                                                         09/2008-07/2009
Teaching Arts courses  
Shanghai Civil Engineering & Technology College, in Shanghai, China                                       09/2003-09/2008
Teaching Arts courses        
 Committee School of  Petro China, China                                                                                       10/1993-04/2003
Teaching Arts & Chinese courses in Elementary School &Secondary School        

 Mainly Owned Rewards & Honors

Member of  Branch of the Chinese Artists Association                                                                                               Since 1994

Chinese Teacher’s Certificate for College Level upgraded from previous certification                                                   2003

(Valid for college, High School, Secondary School, Middle School & Elementary School)     

Chinese Teacher’s Certificate for Elementary School Level

Obtained in China   1993   

(Valid for Elementary School & Kindergarten)                  

Title of  Outstanding Teacher, obtained in Nanjing, China                                                                                          Since 2008

Many times of Rewards of Arts Competition  & Title of  Outstanding Teacher                                                     

 Since 1994

Educational Background
Nanjing  Arts University, China, 
 Postgraduate for  Professional Arts and Design History    Master Degree in 2003
 HuaDong Normal University,ShangHai, China
Department of Chinese language and literature,  Bachelor Degree obtained in 1999
Nanjing  Arts University,Department of Arts                                             Bachelor Degree in 1993

 All kinds of training many times in workplace.

References: (Reference letter attached, other references is available in requirement)