Monday, 12 May 2014

Answer True/False questions based on article Big Five(banks)

  1. TD Bank has the greatest number of branches.                                                     False

  2. BMO has the least number of employees.                                                             False

  3. CIBC has the lowest amount of capitalization.                                                        True
    capitalization:$28.3,It's less than the others'.

  4. Two of the banks are headquartered in Halifax.                                                       False
    Scotiabank &RBC have branches in Halifax, but They headquartered in Toronto.

  5. RBC has the greatest amount of deposits.                                                             Ture

  6. Scotiabank is the most asset-rich of the five.                                                          False

  7. Canada's Big Five Banks are CBIC, BOM, Scotiabank, TB Dank, and BRC.               False

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