Monday 18 July 2016

Task 1:

Essential Skills refer to the nine skills and abilities that are essential to success in Canadian occupations. The Government of Canada has compiled detailed lists, called Essential Skills Profiles (ESPs), of how workers in hundreds of jobs use these nine skills.

Write down next to each skill which one best describes you better:  expert - good - intermediate - beginner -  no knowledge

Nine Essential Skills:

• Reading Text intermediate in English
• Document Use Good
• Numeracy intermediate
• Writing intermediate in English
• Oral Communication  intermediate in English
• Work with Others  Good team woker
• Thinking Skills intermediate
• Computer Use  Good
• Continuous Learning Good 

Task 2:

Complete an Essential Skills self-assessment:
Strengths: I am confident that I can ...
be a good team player to work with others.
be a fast learner on continuous learning 

Weaknesses: I feel I struggle with …
physically demanding job.

Areas for Improvement: I would like to improve my ability to/on …

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