Monday, 25 July 2016

In order to get familiar with the Canadian workplace, there are a lot of things we need to consider. 
Here is a list of business idioms that are taken from this website

Please go over them and try to understand each one’s meaning and then follow the tasks below.

Task one: 
Pick five to six of the following idioms and use them in sentences of your own.

1,a tough break:  
 I have gone through many difficulties in my life, I'd like to regard as a tough break being an opportunity to learn more experience, and try my best to change it to big break.

2.back to square one: 
 She has spent 2 months to figure out the answer of that question. She felt very depressed when she was back to square one.

3.ahead of curve: 
I hope I can stay ahead of curve when I have been studying  and working hard. stake:
I felt nervous about getting this report from my doctor. There was a lot at stake.

5.behind someone's back:
I didn't think it would be fair to go behind someone's back and talk something, so I'd like to confront someone directly.

Task two:
Compose a short story about any event/meeting that has happened to you at your previous workplace. Use at least five to six from these idioms n your story.

Take three:
Request two from your peers to check and edit your work before you publish it on your blog.

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