Thursday 25 February 2016

  • Task 1:
    As discussed in our class, use the ten points accomplishments you have accomplished in your profession life and create your ‘Power Statement’ now. 

  • I am a teacher who like to teach arts and Chinese with creative methods. 

  • I am a person who does things with plans and organization.

  • I'd like to plan daily teaching plans and special events for kids.
  • I always prepare a lot of teaching demonstrative aids to let the students feel easy to understand. 

  • I am an expert in art painting  because I can draw very well , and make varied of art crafts.

  •  I prefer to plan artistic activities and put them into action in the classes.

  • I always write detailed teaching plans and reports.

  • I would like to motivate and inspire the interests and imagination of the students.
  • I am a problem solver in teaching field.
  • I put huge of passion into my teaching job.
  • I am responsible for all students.
  • I enjoy to help set goals and explain all details for my students.
  • I 'm willing to care all students.
  • I always show self-confidence in my teaching career.
  • I love to perform and act; present artistic ideas. 
  • I can set up my own network of experts or helpers

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