Thursday, 30 October 2014

listening materials record---Oct.30,2014

  1. We have few videos on phone interviews. Please click on the first link here and write down the steps the presenter has presented to start off any interview.
The first video:

How to Make a Punching Introduction in a Telephonic Interview。

How to give great intro to the telephone interview?

1.The first thing is always introduce yourself , give your name...and 

also give a brief overview of your background. 

2.Then, you will go to discuss the details of your background 

especially accomplishments, and always think why should the 

company wanna hire you. so, you speak to the accomplishments 

and your success. Then you should do amazing on your interview.

3.Also the telephone interview is typical pre-screen for in person 

interview, so you definitely wanna put your best feet for on the 

telephone interview, so you can get to the next interview level.

2.Next, click on this link for telephone interview etiquette and list 

down all the tips that the speaker has mentioned.

Phone Interview Etiquette

We have to be careful let's make sure to understand for job 

interview particularly in the phone interview.  It is formal and 

professional environment which means you can't use any slang 

term you used, you can't put someone on hold when you talking to 

the another line. you can't answer your kids questions. you can't 

have other disturbances going on.

This is professional and formal interview or phone interview. Don't 

allow your caller ID. Don't let your caller waiting, any other 

features to allow you to lose attention and possible harm yourself 

on the phone

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