Wednesday, 30 March 2016

First step, listen to this presentation and answer the following questions.

  1. What are the names of the two presenters?
  2. How many things did they mention in the first tip? What are they?
  3. What does it mean “inside and out”? Use this same expression in a sentence of your own.
  4. What is a success story from the presenter’s point of view? Plan one to share with your classmates.
  5. Why do you need to plan some questions to ask the employer?
  6. Find a synonym for the word “tailor” in this presentation.
  7. What did he mean by “what is the position calls for” and “position yourself”? Plan and give related examples.
  8. What was the presenter’s advice at he end of his clip?
  9. Share any addition tip(s) that you have learnt from this presentation. 

Jeff and Mike

They put together a list of  top five favorites,the capacities five tips you'll be well on your way to getting a job offer from your next interview.
Tip number one is that you really need to research the company in the position carefully.

It's important to know exactly what they do who their competitors are in any current events related to the company. take some time to study their website make sure you also know the job description inside and out.

It means to know the background of the company and the details of position you want to apply. To know the details from the description , and to prepare all the details about associates about this position related it.

Our second tip is that you need to practice. it's important that you prepare perfect answers to some of the most commonly asked and toughest interview questions: how do you do that?well, hang on to the into the video and we'll show you exactly how.

Tip number three is that we need to prepare a few success stories that you can reference during the interview what was a success story is from your past worker personal life that highlights an achievement and reflects what your strikes.

5.Tip number four is a very important one, you always need to prepare some questions to ask the interviewer. why? because it shows that you're prepares knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the job, not to mention the fact that allow you to learn as much as possible about the company and the position you're interviewing for.

Our final tip is the most important tip on this list.

Tip number five says that you need to tailor your entire interview to the company you're interviewing with you see.

6.Find a synonym for the word “tailor” in this presentation.

adapt or adjust

7.What did he mean by “what is the position calls for” and 

“position yourself”? Plan and give related examples.

“what is the position calls for” means "what is the position looks for or searches for"

"position yourself"means "customize or adjust yourself"

8. What was the presenter’s advice at he end of his 


Most people walk into the interview room with nowhere near enough knowledge is exactly what the company organization is looking for.

you need to find out beforehand exactly what the position calls for an employee.

As well as exactly what makes up the company's perfect candidate?

Once you have this information you can position yourself as they're perfect candidate by giving tailored interview answers, as we always say it's not about you it's about them.

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